Wednesday, 17 April 2013

SLQ Artists' Books Seminar

The State Library of Queensland will be holding a free seminar on artists books on Saturday 4th May 2013 titled The Trouble with Artists' Books at the State Library of Queensland from 2 - 4.30 pm. 
The advertising for this event states:
The last two decades have seen a boom in the production of artists' books in Australia.
Join artist book maker Jan Davis, gallerist Noreen Grahame, and librarian Helen Cole as they reflect on the phenomenon of artists' books, the reason for the boom and its legacy.
The conversation will feature books from the speakers' own collections as well as examples from the State Library's outstanding artists' books collection, part of the Australian Library of Art.
If you're in Brisbane and wish to attend you need to register and get a ticket here


dinahmow said...

I just read that email, too. I will not be able to get to Brisbane for the event, but am hoping someone from BAO will be there and will "file a report."

Amanda said...

Thanks for posting this Helen. i hope to be there.

Fiona Dempster said...

I can't believe I am teaching that day! So sad! Hope it is astoundingly wonderful.

rObfOs said...

Hi Helen, I hope to be there, so look forward to seeing you if you are going.

Helen M said...

It's a shame you can't be there Fiona, but it will be great to see both Amanda and Robyn if they can make it. Perhaps one of us will write something about it Di.